Welcome to the other side!
Alert Levels have certainly kept us all (tutors, admin, parents and students!) on our toes this year. Thank you for staying with us as we moved our music lessons online during both Lockdown periods and for embracing your online lessons when we were unable to see you in person.
Whilst we are grateful that technology allows us to continue teaching when face-to-face lessons aren’t possible, we really do love seeing you on the other side of Lockdown - in person again!
Email/txt us!
As our admin team is now splitting office time with working from home, please email all admin/lesson queries to musicschool@lewiseady.co.nz.
You can be assured that your email or txt query will be handled even more efficiently than a phone call! All admin/lesson queries should be sent to musicschool@lewiseady.co.nz - including your child’s name and the school where they have lessons will speed up our response time even more.
Connect with us on School Apps!
You can now connect with us on School Apps. Download School Apps from the App Store or Google Play, search 'Chiron Music Schools', and select 'Lewis Eady Music School' in the Alert Groups. We plan to use the app for alerts and you’ll also find useful links to our website, term dates and events there.
Online lessons are here to stay
Online lessons allowed us to continue teaching and connecting with our students during Lockdown from the safety of our respective bubbles. Thanks to your overwhelmingly positive feedback, we have decided to continue offering online music lessons via Skype on an ongoing basis. Online lessons are particularly useful also for situations where physical attendance is not possible, e.g. when you are out of town, isolated at home, not feeling 100%. All we need to facilitate online lessons are your Skype user details.
Success in NZMEB Music exams = NCEA credits!
NZMEB is New Zealand's very own national music examinations board with course approval from NZQA.
When you sit an NZMEB exam, you can also achieve NCEA credits. These credits are recorded on your New Zealand Qualifications Framework Record of Learning with NZQA. Credits can be achieved at any age - e.g. an 11-year-old who achieves six Level 1 credits at merit standard will still have those credits when they are 16-years-old. These credits will be added to Level 1 credits achieved through school, will count towards achieving NCEA Level 1 and towards achieving the 50 merit pass credits required to be endorsed “With Merit”. Similarly, any excellence credits will assist towards being endorsed “With Excellence”.
Currently, NZMEB is offering hybrid examinations across all instruments for students who are unable to sit their grade exams with an international board (i.e. ABRSM, Trinity) due to the effects of COVID-19. This means that students who have been studying ABRSM or Trinity exam repertoire can be examined on those pieces in the ‘hybrid’ exam which combines pieces and technical work of the international board with NZMEB's musical knowledge and musicianship requirements. Go to https://nzmeb.org for the full syllabi which include information about NZMEB's musical knowledge and musicianship requirements.
Term 4 -
start & finish dates
Term 4 commences on Monday October 12
(NB: no lessons during Labour Weekend - Saturday October 24 & Monday October 26)
Final lessons for term 4, 2020 will take place during the week of 7 to 12 December, except -
Sancta Maria and St Pauls College - final week 23 to 28 November
Marist Herne Bay, Edendale, Royal Oak, Glendowie, Maungawhau and Pt Chevalier Primary Schools, Royal Oak and Remuera Intermediate Schools - final week 30 November to 4 December.
Lewis Eady Great South Road studios - final week 14 to 19 December
2021 - Term 1 commences Tuesday, 9 February
End of year Partner School Student Concerts – cancelled due to COVID-19
Given the current uncertain times due to COVID-19 and the extension of Alert Level 2 in Auckland, we have made the difficult decision to cancel our year end Lewis Eady student concerts. As soon as the COVID-19 threat has diminished, we will offer a performance opportunity for all our students who will not get to play in a concert this year.
We know this may be disappointing particularly for students in their last year of primary or intermediate school so we are working with our partner schools to to set up alternative performance opportunities at school for these children.
It’s never too late to start!
10 years ago, this lad promised his dad he'd learn to play the piano for his birthday. This year he finally got to surprise him with it!